Typography has always been an integral part of Simpletext. While it comes with what I consider to be amongst the finest fonts ever designed, I also realized that typography is subjective. You may have your own personal favourites.
Even if you like the default fonts included in Simpletext, you may also want to change things up after a while. That’s why I’ve added support for custom fonts in the latest version of Simpletext (V4.3).
This opens up a whole new world of typographic possibilities. To get you started, here are eight beautiful free fonts you can use in Simpletext.
1. Fira Mono
2. Cousine
3. IBM Plex Mono
4. iA Writer Quattro
5. Inter
6. Inria Sans
7. Alegreya
8. Zilla Slab
Which One Is Your Favourite?
Having a font you love makes the writing process more enjoyable, which in turn makes you write more. So take your time and have fun trying out the various fonts out there until you find the one you love.
Happy writing!